Disclaimer Statement

Disclaimer Statement

The information contained on this website is not intended to constitute medical or health care advice, nor is it intended to be a substitute for medical or other professional advice and services rendered by a qualified health care provider. Nothing contained in this website is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. In visiting this website, you agree that Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum is not engaged in rendering medical, counseling or other professional services or advice. Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum does not assume responsibility for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction you take based on the information, services or other materials on this website.

Always consult with a doctor or other qualified health care professional regarding a medical condition and any possible relation of the information on this website to such medical condition. Should you have any health-related questions, please call or see your physician or other health care provider promptly. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

This website will contain links to other websites. Please note that when you enter these other websites from lhcqf.org, you are entering third party websites for which Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum has no responsibility. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of information provided on these websites, and we do not endorse the information, material, products or services contained on or accessible through these websites. Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum does not support, endorse, adopt, approve or otherwise recommend or favor the views, opinions, beliefs, judgments and/or advice of any third party website or information provider that is linked to or from lhcqf.org and all such links are provided solely for general information purposes. Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum expresses no opinions whatsoever regarding (i) the truthfulness, accuracy, reliability and/or credibility on any third party websites linked to or from lhcqf.org; (ii) any information or other content contained on said third party websites; and/or (iii) whether the views expressed on said third party websites accurately or fully represent the views, beliefs and/or doctrines of the churches, orders, Cultural Heritages and/or Religious Faiths to which they are ascribed.

The information on this website does not represent, nor is it intended to represent, the views, opinions, beliefs, judgments and/or advice of the Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum.  Instead, this information represents a broad compilation of information generally provided by a variety of third party sources that have no affiliation or other relationship with the Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum. Neither Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum nor any other information provider shall be responsible for any information provided on this website under any theory of liability or indemnity. Information accessed through this website is provided "AS IS" and without warranty, expressed or implied. All implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use or purpose are hereby excluded. Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum makes no warranty as to the reliability, accuracy, truthfulness, timeliness, usefulness or completeness of ANY information contained on this website or otherwise provided through any link to any third party website.

While Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum takes reasonable measures to keep the information on this website current, Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum cannot, and will not, be held responsible for any damage or loss related to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information provided on this website.

Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum fully respects the individual freedom and rights that each individual enjoys with regard to religious freedom and each individual’s right to believe and worship, or not worship, as that individual may deem fit.